New England Wind Connector 1

Thursday, May 11, 2023 - 3:00pm

Project: New England Wind 1 Connector (f/k/a Vineyard Wind II) (CCC File No: 22005)
Project Applicants: Park City Wind, LLC
Project Location: Town of Barnstable
Project Description: Construction and operation of the portion of the New England Wind 1 connector located within Barnstable County, which Project is intended to connect to and serve the proposed approximately 800-megawatt New England Wind 1 offshore wind project. The Project includes, without limitation, offshore export cables located within Barnstable County waters; the cable landfall site at Craigville Beach; the onshore duct bank and associated onshore export cables located within and under existing rights of way through the village of Centerville; the proposed onshore substation located at 8 Shootflying Hill Road; and interconnection to the electric grid at the existing West Barnstable Substation on Oak Street.