Planning Board

The Planning Board is responsible for administration of the Subdivision Control Laws as set forth in Massachusetts General laws Chapter 41 and the Truro Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land. The Planning Board also is the Special Permit Granting Authority for Communication Structures, Wind Generators, Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Photovoltaic Arrays and Affordable Accessory Dwelling Units and the Board issues permits for Temporary Signs.

The Truro Planning Board continues to hold meetings remotely, currently using the Zoom meeting platform. Zoom links to meetings are provided on the Town calendar and on the Planning Board’s webpage.

***UPDATED April 2024***

Any submittals relating to new or existing applications (including public comments) must be filed with the Town Clerk in accordance with filing deadlines found in the Planning Board Meeting Schedule on this webpage.

All applications must conform to the procedures set forth in submitting Applications (see Forms on this webpage). Supplemental material, electronic and paper, including public comments, for a hearing shall be received no later than 4:00 pm Tuesday of the prior week (see Planning Board Meeting Schedule on this webpage for dates). Late submittals will not be reviewed at that meeting and may result in a continuance of the hearing. Written comments from the public not received within the above timeframe for packet inclusion may instead be addressed during the Public Comment portion of the hearing.

News & Announcements:  Material is from the original submission only and will not be updated. Refer to the meeting Agenda/Packet for up-to-date information.

Contact Liz Sturdy, Planning Department Assistant, at or (508) 214-0935 with questions.

Board Members

Name Title
Caitlin Townsend Member-Appointment expires ATE 2027
Jack Riemer Clerk-Appointment expires-ATE 2025
Anne Greenbaum Vice Chair-Appointment expires ATE 2027
Paul Kiernan Member-Appointment expires ATE 2025
Ellery Althaus Member-Appointment expires ATE 2026
Richard Roberts Chair-Appointment expires ATE 2026
Virginia Frazier Member-Appointment Expires ATE 2028 (5yr term)