Conservation Commission

General Information

In accordance with the Charter passed at ATE, April 22, 1992, Chapter 6, Section 4, Paragraph 1, with the Board of Selectmen as the appointing authority. And, in conformity with MGL, Chapter 40, Sec. 8C, membership is to be not less than three members and not more than seven, with one-third of members' terms expiring each year and their successors appointed for three-year terms.

Responsibilities & Mission

The Conservation Commission administers the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and Rivers Protection Act. The Conservation Agent of the Conservation Commission has information on obtaining local, state or federal environmental permits. Any work within 100 feet of a wetland, including clearing, filling, grading, building or altering broadly defined will require a permit. Any work within 200 feet of a river or perennial stream also requires review by the Conservation Commission. Vernal pools are also within the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission.

The Commission’s mission is to protect public interest including public and private water supplies, ground water, flora and fauna and their habitat, and areas for passive recreation. It also endeavors to prevent or reduce flooding, and prevent erosion and pollution. It does this by overseeing any activity that may alter a resource area or its buffer zone. Resource areas include any bank, fresh water wetland, beach, marsh, wet meadow, bog, swamp, estuary, creek, river, stream, pond, lake, or vernal pool or any land under said waters. They also include bordering land subject to flooding (consisting of the 100-year flood plain) and isolated land subject to flooding.

Board Members

Name Title
Unexpired Vacancy- Full Member Member-Appointment expires 6/30/2025
Diane Messinger Member-Appointment expires 6/30/2025
Larry E. Lown Member-Appointment expires 6/30/2026
Linda Noons-Rose Vice Chair-Appointment expires 6/30/2026
Carol Girard-Irwin Chair-Appointment expires 6/30/2025
Clinton Kershaw Member-Appointment expires 6/30/2025
Robert White Member-Appointment expires 6/30/2027