CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, October 15, 2021

Truro Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Virtual Meeting

October 15, 2021

Present: Co-chair Mary Rose, Co-chair Jim Summers; Bonnie Brown-Bonse, Anne Greenbaum, Diane Messinger, Jane Petterson

Regrets: Susan Howe

Co-chair Jim Summers called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Mini Grants

Anne Greenbaum explained how mini grants are intended to get interesting and do-able projects from diverse applicants. The mini grants are to be more simplified approach for projects up to $20,000. Ms. Greenbaum invited attendees interested in the mini grants to discuss their ideas for projects.

Ellen English described efforts to present a Cold Storage Beach historic display in the Town-owned parking area, closer to the beach or even at the Conservation Trust’s Twinefields land.  She asked for clarification of  “ten citizens” who would submit the mini grant application and was assured that ten residents, part or full time qualified.  Jim Summers suggested adding drawings, checking on use of Town property and getting an understanding on maintenance of the display.  Fred Gaechter said Ms. English could talk to Town Planner Barbara Carbone for some of the information.

Cemetery Commissioner Holly Gardner explained a proposal to preserve the history of the Truro cemeteries through a print publication for the general public. There is an out-of-print history from the 1800’s and two file cabinets at Town Hall that are not accessible to the public.  Many of the stories from the other Cemetery Commissioners would be incorporated into an updated history. She said the history of the cemeteries is a history of the town.  There were some ethics issues that she has been concerned about because she would be the person writing the book.  Even though she would be doing most of the work pro bono and would not profit from the publication, she realizes that even the appearance of a conflict of interest is against State Ethics Regulations.  The Cemetery Commissioners’ liaison John Dundas has been investigating how to get a waiver from the State Ethics Board. 

Susan Blood from Sustainable Cape asked about the possibility of funding some of the recreational features of the Agricultural Fair.  “Support” is not an allowable use for recreational projects, but infrastructure such as the zucchini racetrack might qualify for a CPA grant.  Ms. Blood will figure out costs for the racetrack or other request.

Gail Dunford expressed Payomet Theater’s interest in commemorating Truro’s history in national defense through a “Remembrance” series on the Air Force Base that is now Highland Center for the Arts.  Jim Summer suggested that this could be the required historic display component for Building T-5 restoration.  The agreement for that grant specifies that a history of the Air Force Base be a part of the project.  There was no expense line included for this, so a new mini grant could cover the cost for the display or be the first part of a phased “Remembrance” series.  Ms. Dunford said she would check with Director Kevin Rice to decided how to proceed.

Minutes of 9/10/2021

Jim Summers moved to approve the minutes of September 10, 2021.  Anne Greenbaum seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Update on Agreements for FY2022 projects

Jim Summers said all the agreements had been completed and submitted to Town Hall.  Nicole Tudor is scanning them for the records.  Mary Rogers will request electronic copies for CPC files and members.  Jim Summers will send copies to the grant recipients. 

CPC Plan

The subcommittee will meet next week to do additional revisions.  These will be incorporated into the total plan.  Mary Rogers will put together the complete document for the November meeting.

Project reports/concerns

Jim Summers mentioned correcting a misconception that CPA grants favored historic and open space projects, not supporting community housing.  He said that the 2021 pie charts of percentages for the four categories prove that housing and historic projects are aligned.  Mary Rose said the Housing Authority will be working on the need for housing for workers.  Fred Gaechter discussed an approach the Truro Conservation Trust and the Housing Authority are exploring to acquire houses on the market as a joint effort.  The houses would be placed into Affordable Housing, and the land on the parcel put into a permanent Conservation Restriction.  Mary Rose suggested that it would be possible that a third designation of Historical property could occur, making the arrangement ideal.  Mr. Gaechter also reported on the Conservation Trust’s intention to submit a mini grant for development of trails, benches and educational stations at the 70-acre High Head Conservation area.  This would be a joint application with the Conservation Commission, who has already reviewed the plans. 

November 1 Deadline for New Applications

Mini grant and regular grant applications will be due November 1, 2021 at 4 p.m.  One copy should be submitted to Truro Town Hall and an electronic copy to Mary Rogers. 

Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for November 12, 2021.  CPC members will receive and review the new applications in advance in order to discuss submissions, determine what applicants to invite back for further questions on their proposals.  A schedule of meetings leading up to the public hearing on the applications will be planned at the meeting.


Anne Greenbaum moved to adjourn.  Jim Summers seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rogers

CPC Administrative Consultant

The Community Preservation Committee approved these minutes at the 11/12/2021 meeting.