CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, May 14, 2021

Truro Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Virtual Meeting

May 14, 2021


Present: Co-Chair Mary Rose, Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon; Anne Greenbaum, Susan Howe, Bonnie Sollog, Jim Summers

                      Regrets: Maureen Cronin, Jane Petterson

Co-Chair Mary Rose called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Minutes of 4/9/2021

Deborah McCutcheon moved to approve the minutes of April 9, 2021.  Jim Summers seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.


The Committee discussed the status of Maureen Cronin, who needs to send a letter to the Town to make her resignation official.

Warrant Article – Payomet Stage Cover

Jim Summers said he would follow up with Payomet Director Kevin Rice, who did not yet know if the National Seashore was allowing activity other than Payomet at the ballfield.  Deborah McCutcheon discussed some of the legal aspects of liability.  She said the stage does not present an inherently dangerous use.  Jim Summers will also contact Payomet’s attorney Michael Fee to discuss liability if the Town, not Payomet, were to use the stage. 

Contract Agreement for Mary Rogers

Mary Rogers said she would like to have her agreement with Truro in place by July 1, 2021.  She is requesting a fifty cent per hour increment in pay which will bring her salary to $30 per hour.  Anne Greenbaum moved to approve a new agreement between Mary Rogers and the Town of Truro at a rate of $30 per hour beginning July 1, 2021.  Bonnie Sollog seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

CPC Plan report

Jim Summers, Deborah McCutcheon and Anne Greenbaum have met separately and have added to the CPC Plan.  Jim Summers said they intend to do more with community housing options to include elder housing.  Deborah McCutcheon advocated for a mix of ages and incomes, instead of a housing targeted to one group.  Jim Summers noted that CPC members, in an effort to be more proactive, could be part of a ten-person group of applicants for a grant.  Anne Greenbaum recommended being proactive by letting people know that CPC is interested in receiving grant applications for diverse community housing.  She discussed avoiding waste in demolishing existing buildings and the possibility of reusing existing houses at the Walsh property, but nothing has been decided yet there.  The subcommittee will meet again on Thursday, May 27, 2021 to prepare a draft CPC Plan for the June meeting.

Mini grants

Anne Greenbaum presented draft versions for CPC mini grants, which will be included in the Plan.  She had submitted in advance an information page, the mini grant application form and a sample budget.  Mini grants are meant to be an opportunity for people to apply for smaller amounts using a streamlined process.  Deborah McCutcheon suggested using a sliding scale rather than a set limit for mini grants.  The suggested limit of $10,000, keeping the grants below the procurement figure, seemed rather a small amount to other committee members.  Anne Greenbaum envisioned a mini grant deadline within the same year as Town Meeting approval, but she was willing to retain the November 1st deadline for CPC grants.  She will rewrite the mini grant material with a higher limit and the November deadline. 

Project reports/concerns

Jim Summers reported on the ongoing historic properties inventory for the Historical Commission.  He also said that the Highland House Museum roof had gone out to bid.  Susan Howe said Puma Park was progressing and anticipated that with other money raised and with approval of the Fiscal Year 22 grant, the project could be completed.  She thanked Kelly Clark and Jarod Cabral for their help with the project.  Several committee members mentioned that there had been some negativity towards the Edgewood Farm grant that has yet to be approved, but it is up to the voters at Town Meeting to decide. 

Next meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for June 11, 2021, at 5 p.m.  Jim Summers will submit a draft update of the CPC Plan to be circulated in advance of the meeting.


Susan Howe moved to adjourn.  Anne Greenbaum seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rogers,

Administrative consultant

Public records material 5/14/2021

Mini grant application draft and materials

The Community Preservation Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 9/10/2021/