CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, April 9, 2021

Truro Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Virtual Meeting

April 9, 2021


Present: Co-Chair Mary Rose; Anne Greenbaum, Susan Howe, Jane Petterson, Bonnie Sollog, Jim Summers

Regrets: Maureen Cronin, Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon

Co-Chair Mary Rose called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m.

Minutes of 2/19/2021 and 2/26/2021

Susan Howe moved to approve the minutes of February 19, 2021, Jim Summers seconded, and the motion carried 4-0-2.

Jane Petterson moved to approve the minutes of February 26, 2021.  Susan Howe seconded, and the motion carried 5-0-1.


Committee members discussed vacancies on the CPC.  The Town requires submission of a formal resignation from the outgoing members, but there are two positions that need to be filled.  The Conservation Commission will be notified that CPC will need a new representative from Conservation.  Susan Howe said she has been encouraging a potential At-Large candidate to apply, but she also considered contacting the COA Board about someone to represent the senior population.  Jim Summers said there is also the possibility of finding a Part-time Truro taxpayer for the at-large position.  There is still no Recreation Commission to designate a representative to CPC. 

Finance Committee meeting on Warrant Articles

At their April 8, 2021 meeting, Finance Committee made their recommendation for Article 10, the CPC requests for Annual Town Meeting.  Jim Summers, as CPC representative, and others attended their meeting.  Finance Committee recommended all but the section for the Highland Center Drive-In bandstand canopy because of questions they and Town Counsel had posed.  Since the property is owned by the National Park Service, the Finance Committee asked about availability and liability for use by the Town.  Town Counsel sought affirmation that the Payomet request fits allowable uses under the category of Recreation.  Conditions will be added to section 6 of the CPA Article and explanations as needed.  Payomet’s current five-year lease with the National Park Service is in effect, so this grant will not be tied to the twenty-year lease that Payomet is currently seeking.

Community outreach ideas/Mini grants

Susan Howe discussed the connection between educating the public about CPA grants and to encouraging more people to apply.  Offering mini grants is a community outreach strategy, Anne Greenbaum said.    Mini grants could be offered up to a certain dollar amount and feature a shorter application form.   Anne Greenbaum provided, as examples, painting lines for a pickle ball court on the Corn Hill Beach parking lot and doing a study for a Cultural Zone in North Truro.  Jim Summers suggested that Town Meeting would be a good time to introduce mini grants and explain that all grants are available, in the allowable categories, to groups of ten or more people.

Anne Greenbaum volunteered drafting a mini grant application form for discussion at the next CPC meeting.  Susan Howe said she will check on Massachusetts procurement regulations since that might help determine the cut-off amount for a mini grant. 

Next meeting

The next virtual CPC meeting will be held Friday, May 14, 2019 at 5 p.m.

Agenda items will include: Mini grants/Outreach, CPC Plan draft, Town Meeting preparation with update on Ballfield Drive-In bandstand/canopy, Membership, Mary Rogers’ FY22 Agreement, Project concerns and updates. 


Jane Petterson moved to adjourn.  Susan Howe seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:59 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Mary Rogers,

Administrative consultant

The Community Preservation Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 5/14/2021.