CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, January 10, 2020

Truro Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting of January 10, 2020

Truro Town Hall

Present: Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon, Co-Chair Mary Rose; Maureen Cronin, Peter Herridge, Susan Howe, Richard Larkin, Jane Petterson, Bonnie Sollog

Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon called the meeting to order at 4:19 p.m.

Minutes of 12/13/19

Maureen Cronin moved to approve the minutes of December 13, 2019.  Jane Petterson seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

Funding Available for FY21 Projects

CPC members examined the projected funds available for Fiscal Year 2021 as calculated by Town Accountant Trudi Brazil.   The total sum of FY21 requests has an overage of $101,812, but there is money available for repurposing from projects that did not happen.  

Repurposing Money/Releasing Money

Last year at the February 1, 2019 CPC meeting, the Committee voted to approve the repurposing of $26,500, a Fiscal Year 2017 grant for the Snow’s Park/Town Green project, towards the Puma Park enrichment efforts.   This vote was not acted upon because it still needs to go to Town Meeting for approval.  The repurposed money would be for adult fitness equipment, according to Susan Howe.  Including the repurposing request in the Town Meeting Warrant this year will not alter available money for other grants. 

Fred Gaechter, President of the Truro Conservation Trust, has requested that money from the Great Hollow Beach grant(s) be repurposed for the new proposal for the purchase of the property at 42 Corn Hill Rd.  Peter Herridge asked about stopping the Great Hollow Beach Extension project which had been approved at Town Meeting.  Bonnie Sollog read a passage from the CPC Handbook that states agreements for CPC projects are not a Town liability.    Fred Gaechter explained the two grants, FY18 - $50,000 and FY19 - $192,000, for the purchase of 5 Kill Devil Rd. to extend Great Hollow Beach.  Mr. Gaechter said that Town Counsel had advised against the $50,000 grant.  Peter Herridge complained about having the Town Meeting approved grants stopped.  Mary Rose said that discussion was outside of the agenda of this meeting.  Deborah McCutcheon reviewed process for releasing money for a grant that did not go forward.  Fred Gaechter gave further background on the use of Truro Conservation Trust money to purchase the Kill Devil Rd. property without use of CPA grant money. 

FY21 Proposal Concerns

Peter Herridge discussed the contribution to the Truro Housing Authority (THA).   He said that he is opposed to giving money to a for-profit developer if some of the grant to THA is going towards development of the Cloverleaf Property.  Bonnie Sollog said she would like to see the breakdown of the affordable, workforce and market rate units proposed for the Cloverleaf Property.  Maureen Cronin spoke favorably about the developer, Community Housing Resources.   Deborah McCutcheon urged Peter Herridge to take his objections to the appropriate board hearings and meetings on the Cloverleaf Property.  Mary Rose discussed the importance of having available money for THA opportunities that arise before the next round of CPA funding. 

Susan Howe asked about obtaining a long-term lease for Payomet Theater.  She said that Highland House Museum restoration had not been able to move forward without a better leasing arrangement with the Cape Cod National Seashore.

Schedule for Public Hearing & Follow-up Meeting

Deborah McCutcheon reviewed procedures for the public hearing and the follow-up meetings to determine the grant proposals to be presented at Town Meeting.  The date for the public hearing on the FY21 proposals was set for January 20, 2020 at 6 p.m. at Town Hall with a snow date of February 6, 2020.  Decisions on grant funding will be determined at a regular CPC meeting on February 14, 2020. 


Richard Larkin moved to adjourn.  Maureen Cronin seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rogers

The Community Preservation Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 2/14/2020.