CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, October 4, 2019


Truro Community Preservation Committee
Minutes of Meeting of October 4, 2019
 Truro Town Hall


Present: Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon, Co-Chair Mary Rose; Maureen Cronin, Richard Larkin, Bonnie Sollog 

Regrets: Peter Herridge, Jane Petterson

Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.

Minutes of 9/6/19

Richard Larkin moved to approve the minutes of September 6, 2019 as amended.  Maureen Cronin seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Membership & Vacancies

Robert Lowe has now officially resigned from CPC.  As soon as the Select Board approves her appointment, Susan Howe will become an At-Large member of the committee.  That leaves one vacancy to be filled for Recreation, but there is no Recreation Committee at this time.  

Great Hollow Beach Extension

Truro Conservation Trust President Fred Gaechter said the Trust has signed a purchase and sale agreement for the Kill Devil Road property.  The Conservation Trust will be the sole owner of the lot.  They continue fund raising and are checking on the title for the land.  The Fiscal Year 19 grant of $192,000 will not be pursued, but the FY 18 grant of $50,000 to a citizens group is being examined by Town Counsel, who is concentrating on the grant agreement and the covenants for the Kill Devil Rd. subdivision. 

Anticipated FY21 Applications

There are several applications expected by the November 1st deadline.  The Conservation Trust expects to submit an application for $125,000 to purchase the Bunker property at Corn Hill Beach as a joint project with Castle Hill, Fred Gaechter said.   Richard Larkin is working with Town Clerk Cindy Slade on a project to preserve and best protect significant historic documents that are now stored in the Town Hall vault, which does not provide climate control.  Maureen Cronin said the application to study and plan for a linear park should be ready.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held Friday, November 8, 2019.  This will be for a first look at the new applications. 


Bonnie Sollog moved to adjourn.  Maureen Burgess seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:48 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rogers