CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Truro Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting of December 1, 2016

Truro Town Hall

Members Present: Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon, Co-Chair Mary Rose; Maureen Cronin, Ricard Larkin, Robert Lowe, Bonnie Sollog, Peter Herridge

Absent: Rex McKinsey

Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.  She said that the new representative from Recreation would be Rex McKinsey, not Eric Mays from the Bike and Walkways Committee as originally planned. 

Review with Housing Applicants

Cape Cod Village – 9 Childs Homestead Rd., Orleans

Bob Jones, President, and Giselle Gauthier, Consultant of Cape Cod Village, explained their request for $100,000 as a contribution to the home for autistic adults being built in Orleans.  Cape Cod Village is a 501(3)c organization.  The project has been approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services of Massachusetts and is fully permitted by the Town of Orleans.  Dr. Jones said there were two housing buildings planned for 15 residents and a community resource center to serve daytime participants.  Giselle Gauthier further detailed the design, costs and staffing involved.  The buildings have been planned with special autism needs in mind.  Ms. Gauthier explained how applicants would be chosen through an open method among those on the autism spectrum, supported by DDS and meeting low income criteria.  The initial offering would be a Cape Cod preference.  The location in the center of Orleans offers an opportunity for the residents at the Village to be integrated into the community, she said.  Cape Village will go before CDH now that all their permitting is complete. The request to the Town of Truro is for predevelopment costs.  Orleans has supported acquisition of the land; Wellfleet and Brewster have also contributed CPA funding towards the project. 

Cape Cod Habitat for Humanity – 143 Rte. 6

Leedara Zola, Land Acquisition Consultant for Cape Cod Habitat for Humanity, and Carl Brotman, Chair of the Truro Housing Authority, gave a PowerPoint presentation on how Habitat for Humanity operates.  The site at 143 Route 6 has been fully permitted.  They are planning three homes with solar panels and one home with a composting toilet.  Habitat is requesting a grant of $210,000 from CPA Funds.  Habitat plans to move forward with the project in 2017.  Leedara Zola explained income qualifications and credit worthiness.  They work with USDA for mortgages or Habitat will hold mortgages.  The Truro Housing Authority has endorsed the project with a letter of support. 

Truro Housing Authority Technical Consultant

Carl Brotman asked for a continuation of support of $30,000 for the Affordable Housing Technical Consultant.  They would like someone to work on the clover-leaf property, which will offer a number of rental units.  Leedara Zola has served as the technical assistant for the past year.  The Housing Authority would like to offer her the position again in 2017.  They anticipate that the project will take a year and a half to two years.  CPA funding helps in leveraging more funds.  Mr. Brotman answered questions on the clover-leaf land. 

Governor Prence Residences - CDP

Abigail Chapman acquainted the Committee with the Governor Prence Residences planned by the Community Development Partnership on Route 6 in Eastham.  This is a six-acre parcel with two buildings consisting of 50 rental units, 44 of which will be Affordable. She explained the composition of a management unit and the 3-bedroom, 2-bedroom and 1-bedroom units.  She said they are approaching a number of area towns for support.  The request for Truro CPA funds is $100,000.  She explained how local preference works on the first round.  Whichever towns contribute will be given local preference in the initial lottery, Ms. Chapman said.  She reviewed income limits and unit costs with the Committee.   

Minutes of 11/4/16

Richard Larkin moved to approve the minutes of November 4, 2016.  Bonnie Sollog seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

Agenda for Next Meeting

The December 9, 2016 meeting will begin at 4 p.m.  Business will be taken up first for finances and bonding information.  The applicants for Puma Park, Highland House Museum, 25 and 25A Pond Rd., Edgewood Farm, and Great Hollow Extension will be heard starting at 4:15 p.m.  


The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 5:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,



Mary Rogers, CPC Administrative Consultant                     


CPC approved these minutes at the meeting held 12/9/16.


Public Records Material of 12/1/16

All applications are filed in CPC permanent records.