CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, October 14, 2016

Truro Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting of October 14, 2016

Truro Town Hall

Members Present: Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon, Co-Chair Mary Rose; Maureen Cronin, Robert Lowe, Bonnie Sollog

Also Attending: Eric Mays, Jane Petterson, Peter Herridge

Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.


Robert Lowe moved to approve the minutes of September 9, 2016.  Maureen Cronin seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.


CPC has lost its representative from Planning Board with the departure of Lisa Maria Tobia.  Planning Board will replace her with Peter Herridge.  Jane Petterson and Eric Mays need to apply for the Open Space and Recreation Committees in order to become their representatives to CPC.


The deadline for Fiscal Year 2018 applications is Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 4 p.m.   The applications will be examined at the Friday, November 4th CPC meeting. 

Anticipated Projects

Chair Deborah McCutcheon discussed the purchase of Poor’s Hill and the bond used for the project.  She said that the debt service for Poor’s Hill covers the 10% for Open Space until the debt is paid off.  Mary Ellen Kimball, Ann Courtney and Richard Courtney were present to discuss a proposal for a project.  Ms. Kimball distributed photos and information on a property at the end of Great Hollow Rd. that could be acquired for Open Space.   Ann Courtney and Mary Ellen Kimball have been in contact with the Truro Conservation Trust and the Cape Cod Conservation Compact on how to proceed with grant applications for acquisition of the land.  They had also talked to the Town Manager and Town Planner Carole Ridley, who had more ideas about grant opportunities.  Ann Courtney and Mary Ellen Kimball said they intend to submit an application after they have done more financial calculations. 

Robert Lowe provided information on a trail for Poor’s Hill.  He foresees a possible path on the south side of the hill.  There is a trail on the hill that is causing erosion, so a planned trail would remediate this.  There may be a Conservation Commission decision required for the project.  Robert Lowe said there is a special view from the top of the hill.

Project Updates

Robert Lowe said the Paul Revere Foundry Bell had one crack which will be repaired.  The bell is due to come back by December, he said.  The Committee also discussed getting a Town calendar established



Highland Affordable Housing had sent CPC members an invitation to attend an awards event at Montano’s on October 28, 2016. 


The first look at the new applications will be the agenda for the November 4th meeting. 


Richard Larkin moved to adjourn.  Mary Rose seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,



Mary Rogers, CPC Administrative Consultant                     


Public Records Material of 10/14/16

  1.  Materials on property at Great Hollow
  2. Poor’s Hill Walking Trail information sheet

CPC approved these minutes at the meeting held 11/4/16.