CPC Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, December 11, 2015

Truro Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of Meeting of December 11, 2015

Truro Town Hall


Members Present:  Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon, Co-Chair Mary Rose; Maureen Cronin, Robert Lowe, Bonnie Sollog, Richard Larkin

Regrets: Lisa Maria Tobia

Co-Chair Deborah McCutcheon called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.

Discussions with Applicants

Affordable Housing for Shared Technical Assistance Consultant

Carl Brotman and Jay Vivian explained the request for funds to share a technical consultant with the Town of Wellfleet for Affordable Housing projects.  At regional meetings there as been support for this effort.  The specialist can be used for projects with the potential for CPA funding, Carl Brotman said.    The specialist would be used as needed, especially for larger projects.  The Housing Authority will work with the Wellfleet Housing Authority on more of the details of how the shared position will be structured.  The Housing Authority will bring back more information on the proposal. 

Highland Affordable Housing for Rental Assistance

Kathleen Henry, President Elect, and Mary Abt, President of Highland Affordable Housing, came forward to discuss the rent relief for Highland Affordable Housing at 53 Shore Rd. and 6 Helen’s Way.  Ms. Henry said Highland Affordable Housing is interested in transferring the properties to another management company.  Highland Affordable is more involved in acquiring properties than in management.  Because they are a small operation, their management costs are high.  Without additional funding, Highland Affordable Housing will be faced with raising rents or making other adjustments that would be difficult for the tenants.  CPC members had many questions about a grant being a remedy that would produce results for the situation.  The Community Preservation Committee will continue to work with Highland Affordable Housing to come up with a viable plan.

Castle Hill for Edgewood Farm Preservation of Buildings

Cherie Mittenthal, Lisa Linnehan, Kim Kettler of the Center for the Arts at Castle Hill were present to explain their plans for renovation of historic buildings at Edgewood Farm.  The buildings are not yet on the National Register, but Castle Hill has applied for that designation.  The closing on purchase of the entire property is expected by the end of the year.  The Castle Hill representatives reviewed their hand-out, “What Does Castle Hill Do for the Community?”  They outlined the three phases to the project:  acquisition, historic restorations and work studios. 

Historical Society for Highland House Museum Restoration

Jim Summers, Director, and Susan Howe, President of the Historical Society, explained the proposal for Preservation and Restoration of the Highland House Museum.  The application is for a three-year, phased restoration: stabilization of the building, restoration in the second year, and climate controlled area in the third year.  They have been working with the National Seashore for a twenty year lease with the Department of the Interior.  The Historical Society plans to announce their capital campaign provided CPA funds have been granted and the Seashore has agreed upon the lease.  The Committee discussed bidding and construction estimates for the project with Mr. Summers.  They have done a feasibility study, he said.  The current grant request is for stabilization and engineering for the building. 


Robert Lowe expressed his interest in creation of a Town-wide calendar of events sponsored by the Historical Society, Castle Hill and Friends of the Meeting House in order to avoid conflicts in scheduling.  Susan Howe mentioned that a mobile App that is being developed to help achieve this.

Continuation with Disabilities Committee for Access Mats

Susan Howe had new information about ramps and arrangements for ADA access at the Snow’s Park/Town Green.  She will bring a revised plan that uses permanent materials and landscaping that will not cost more than the original request for access mats.


Mary Rose moved to approve the minutes of November 13, 2015.  Richard Larkin seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Richard Larkin moved to approve the minutes of November 30, 2015. Maureen Cronin seconded, and the motion carried 5-0. 

Other Concerns

Public Hearings for the projects will be held on Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 6 p.m. in the Community Center.   The snow date will be January 21st.  Two legal ads will be published prior to the public hearing.

Next Meeting

There will be an additional CPC meeting on Monday, December 21, 2015 at 3 p.m. at Town Hall. The agenda will include: Discussion with the Town Accountant, further discussions with the applicants from Highland House Museum, Highland Affordable Housing and the Disabilities Committee, and minutes.


The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 6:05 p.m.                                                           

Respectfully submitted,


___________________________________                          _______________________

Mary Rogers, CPC Administrative Consultant                      Date


CPC approved these minutes at the meeting held 12/21/15.