Board of Health Remote Meeting

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Tuesday, March 16, 2021 - 4:00pm

Board of Health Remote Meeting Access Instructions

This will be a remote meeting; citizens in Truro can view the meeting on Channel 18 and on the web on the "Truro TV Channel 18" button found under "Helpful Links" on the homepage of the Town of Truro website.  To view, click on the green "Watch" button in the upper right of the page.  To provide comment during the meeting, please call in toll free at 1 877 309 2073  and enter the following access code when prompted: 728-603-709 #  or access  the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone at:

Please note that there may be a delay (15-30 seconds) between the meeting and the live-stream (and television broadcast).  If you are watching the meeting and calling in, please lower the volume on your computer or television during public comment so that you may be heard clearly.  We ask that you identify yourself when calling in to help us manage multiple callers effectively.  Citizens may also provide public comment for this meeting by emailing the Health Agent Emily Beebe at with your comments.