Walsh Property Community Planning Committee

General Information:
The purpose of the Walsh Property Community Planning Committee (WPCPC) is to guide the development of plans for the use of the town-owned property on Walsh Way. The use of the property will be for general municipal purposes and could include a combination of uses such as open space, recreation, and/or housing.
In accordance with the Truro Town Charter, Section 6-4-4, and Article 11 of the April 30, 2019 Annual Town Meeting, the Select Board hereby establishes the WPCPC as an ad-hoc committee and will be composed of eleven voting members and two alternate members appointed by the Select Board.


Board Members

Name Title
Todd Schwebel Member-Appointment expires 10/21/2023
Steve Wynne Member-Appointment expires 10/21/2023
Morgan Clark Member-Appointment expires 10/21/2023
Russell Braun Member-Appointment expires 10/21/2023
Paul Wisotzky Member-Appointment expires 10/21/2023
Jane Lea Member-Appointment expires 10/21/2023
Eileen Breslin Co-Chair-Appointment expires 10/21/2023
Elizabeth Gallo Member-Appointment expires 10/21/2023
Violet Rein Bosworth Student Liaison-Appointment expires 10/21/2023
Kenneth Oxtoby Co-Chair-Appointment expires 10/21/2023
Raphael Richter Alternate-Appointment expires 10/21/2023
Jeffrey Fischer Member-Appointment Expires 10/21/2023
Fred Gaechter Member-Appointment expires 10/21/2023