Eligibility For Non-Resident Beach Stickers

The applicant must:online sticker sales

  • Be staying in the town of Truro
  • Be staying at a rental property whose landlord has complied with the Rental Registration Bylaw. Which states: Property owners who rent for 120 days or less must register the property with the town, then provide a completed application for their guests who may take said application to the Beach office as proof of stay to obtain their sticker.
  • Complete a Non-Resident and Non-Renter Application if the applicant is a relative or a guest of a Truro resident. The Truro owner at whose property the guest is staying must sign the completed application. (available in Downloadable Files and below)

Obtaining A Sticker

All applicants for any sticker must present the following documentations:

  1. Valid vehicle registration for each vehicle needing a sticker with the applicant’s name on the registration OR a lease listing the applicant as the lessee of the vehicle.
  2. Proof of ownership of property in Truro or proof of stay in Truro.  Please see the eligibility requirements and required documentation in the following section. Please Note: The Burden Of Proof Of Residency Falls On The Applicant.