Fuel Assistance Checklist

Truro COA Fuel Assistance Checklist:

Please bring the following documentation with you to your fuel assistance appointment on Date:____________ Time:____________

1. Income Verification: For each member of the household over the age of 18, you must provide proof of the last 4 weeks of income, for example.

  • Pay Stubs
  • A letter from an employment source for any odd jobs.
  • An official statement of benefits such as verification letter for 2017 Social Security. 
  • Copy of checks for SSI-SSA-EAEDC-TAFDC, and or copies of checks for retieement/ pension, or veteran's benefits.
  • If self-employed, a copy of your 2016 State and Federal Tax Return with all pages, included with signature page and notarized.
  • All Must Show Gross Amounts
  • Bank Statements will not be accepted means of proof of income.

2. Electric Bill

3. Heating Bill

4. Mortgage, homeowner's insurance, real estate tax bill, or a lease agreement signed the landlord.

5. Valid photo ID

6. Social Security Cards and Birth dates- for ALL members of the household.